Michael Schmiechen, Berlin
News flash
Last update and corections: 2024.09.14
On rational principia
On classical cosmology
On Newtons gravity law, cont'd!
On ship theory
On ideal models of real systems
On 'magnitudes', alias 'quantities'
The 3rd, virtual INTERACTION 2017 cont'd
Opus magnum now online!
On peer reviews and some memories
On ritually repeated foolish prejudices
For earlier related papers please check
the pertinent sections of my website.
This concerns in particular recent contributions
to the sections on magnitudes, on cosmology and principles.
Dark mystery nonsense
Triggered by a very short preview in Spektrum 7/24 I have drafted
the following paper on the physical theory of gravity under the title
- Gulliver in Absurdistan,
on the pseudo-universe cosmologists live in, and distributed it
as documented in the letters concerning the dark mystery nonsense.
Last corrections and additions: 2024.07.12
In the meantime the awaited August-Edition of Spektrum 8/24
has appeared under title Eine neue Weltformel with a related paper
by Manon Bischoff, concerning the theory of Jonathan Oppenheim
at the University College London.
That theory is a modification of Einstein's general theory, which
according to Einstein's repeated statements cannot be modified.
Related discussions on the paper 'Gulliver in Absurdistan'
are collected in
- 'Barbed comments'.
Last corrections and additions: 2024.07.13
The following review concerns the recent edition 3.24
of Spektrum, titled 'Das Geheimnis der Dunklen Energie'.
The mysteries are shown to be
- Due to conceptual mistakes .
Substantial discussions.are invited and will be published in collection of
- Related discussions.
Last corrections and additions: 2024.07.02
On the COSINUS cooperation
The following remarks concern the COSINUS cooperation
constituted for the
- Search of dark matter.
Substantial discussions.are invited and published in the collection
of discussions on
- Dark_mystery_nonsense..
Attempts to discuss related issues with Stay Mcgaugh and Sabine
Hossenfelder turned out to be imossible due to complete lack
of any e-mail contacts, raising the qustion,
what do they have to hide?
Their pseudo-science has already been documented
long ago on my website.
Last corrections and additions: 2024.06.17
Check of Einstein auf dem Pruefstand
Diverses Unsichtbares
The following contribution concerns
- Diverse invisibles
in the context of cosmlogy,
together with related explanatory
- Mails on diverse invisibles ,
continuing the Mails on Newton was right.
Last corrections and additions: 2024.01.11
... and Newton was right!
The concise exposition of my rational theory of cosmology
has already been subject of
- Various explanatory mails
- Mails on diverse related logics .
Last corrections and additions: 2023.11.25
A rigorous discussion of the foundations of my rational theory
has been drafted. under the prestigious title
- My 'apology' .
Last corrections and additions: 2023.01.12
After all I had finished work on a concise exposition of my
- Rational theory of cosmology since 2001
and published at under the title '... and Newton was right!'.
Last corrections and additions: 2022.12.11
But in the meantime the paper had already been subject
to rigorous updates and corrections, and that work
will be continued, based on further in-depth studies
and clarifications of details.
And in re-considering my analysis of motions around
our galaxy I noticed, that the 'dark matter' is only 'required'
to compensate for a conceptional mistake. In view
of the widely extended mass distributions of galaxies
Newton's gravity law cannot be applied in the integral,
inverse square format.
Following the foregoing analyses of my axiomatic model
one of my results has mislead me to confuse dark matter
and the very large body of ponderable matter, alias black
hole, discovered by Reinhard Genzel and honoured
by the Nobel Prize for Physics 2020.
My resulting arguments have been deleted and I modestly
ask for apology.
A corrected and largely expanded
- Update of my analysis
of our galaxy in terms of my rational theory of gravity
has been drafted:.
Last corrections and additions: 2022.09.23.
In particular I had already re-constructed the
- Pound-Rebka Experiment
and analysed
- Photons falling in aether fields
in terms of my rational theory of gravity.
On aether waves, alias gravity waves
The following exercise concerns
- Elementary aether waves ,
following Einstein misleadingly called gravity waves.
Last corrections and additions: 2023.07.11
Mails concerning my holistic approach
During work on the update of my paper '... and Newton was right!'
I have written a number of
- Mails concerning holism ,
which are of considerable, general interest.
Last corrections and additions: 2022.06.19
On the subtle realitty of the aether
The following rather short paper, concluding my work on
gravity and cosmology, concerns
- The subtle reality of the aether" ,
alias mass potential, implied by Poisson's equation and
Newton's abundently proven gravity law.
Last corrections and additions: 2022.06.06
Contra ignorant dogmatism and arrogance
"Wenn er mich aber mit vogelfreier Grobheit behandelt,
so will ich ihn auch als Vogelfreien traktieren ."
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg: Sudelbücher, F 977.
For those, who cannot read, I have added
- An illustration .
Last corrections and updates: 2022.06.02
The following file provides another particularly blatant example
of correspondence triggered by
- Naive ignorant dogmatism .
Thus it is essentially an addendum to the appendices of my paper
'... and Newton was right!'.
The request of Lothar Schuh to publish his detailed notes
on peer review provided the chance to add further explanatory
remarks and say
- Adieu, arrogant ignorance .
The collection of later mails is an addendum to the collection
in the foregoing paper.
And the documentation ends with
- Further, closing disputes .
Last corrections and updates: 2022.04.29
On gravity without obsolete dogmata
The following correspondence concerns the
- Universe without God
additinal remarks to be found in the forthcoming collection
of 'Problems, ideas, drafts'.
Last corrections and additions: 2022.05.11
An extended abstract under the title
- Zur rationalen Physik der Schwere
has been distributed to colleagues, inviting them to discuss my
rational theory of gravity, providing a major change of paradigm.
In fact it represents a Copernican turn, but not just a rather trivial
change of point of view, but implying that all theories of the universe
need explicitly to 'account' for the mass-potential, alias aether, else
they are doomed to fail.
Last corrections and additions: 2022.03.16
During my work on a paper providing in-depth explanations
of my rational theory of gravity, I started a collection of
- Related mails of general interest
and I continue to update that collection.
Last corrections and additions: 2022.04.05
Winding up my thoughts on the speculative concept
of 'dark matter' resulted in an
- Update of my analysis of our galaxy.
Accordingly cosmology without reference to the
mass-potential, alias aether, is obsolete.
Last corrections and additions: 2022.15.07
In the meantime I have completed my paper titled
- Rational theory of gravity without obsolete dogmata
and have invited rigorous discussions.
Last corrections and additions: 2022.02.09
Change of paradigm due
"Tausend sehen den Nonsense eines Satzes ein,
ohne imstand zu sein, noch die Fähigkeit zu besitzen,
ihn förmlich zu widerlegen."
Georg Christoph Lichtenberg: Sudelbücher, F 860.
My continued modest invitation
- to falsify my coherent narrative
concerning the Hubble 'constant' and cosmology in general,
getting along without dark energy and dark matter, is here
publicly repeated.
According to my own repeated experience, in Germany,
different from England, critical remarks tend to be felt
as personal offence, though 'only' beliefs, maybe cherished
life long, are questioned and may need to be abandoned.
As known from well understood historical examples, the
opposition usually is very strong and takes generations.
Last update: 2020.10.27
On the history of ship theory
The following letter to Klaus Wagner cotains
- More personal memories
concerning the history of ship theory.
Last corrections and updates: 2023.03.19
The following notes on
- Ship theory 'before' CFD
- practised and reflected
are my contribution to the 90the birthday of Horst Nowacki..
Last corrections and updates: 2022.11.22
The paper is essentially a continuation of Bernard Caldwell's
history of ship theory in his chapter on Brunel's three great ships,
a contribution to 'The works of Isambard Kingdom Brunel',
an engineering appreciation edited by sir Alfred Pugyley, 1976.
For my taste too little is known of the development ship ship theory
and its implicationns. David Moore passed away before his history of
ship model basins, to be based on his large collection of documents,
was even started .
Quasi-steady model trial 1986
The following set of ten Mathcad programs concerns the
- Final evaluation of my model test of 1986
conducted as feasibility test for the quasi-propulsion tests with the
reseach vessel METEOR in the Arctic Sea in November 1988.
As it turned out, the conceptual and mathematical problems were
much more involved than expected. Thus, apart of the evaluation
of the METEOR tasts and large projects on the evaluation
of water ways, it took me another thirty years finally to solve
all the problems faced. Details are to be found in an additional
explanatory letter, dated 13.11.2018
Last corrections and updates: 2023.02.12
The following letter to Nicolas Gisin
- On concepts of time etc
has been conceived in response to his paper on determinism etc.
Last corrections and updates: 2021.03.23
The following correspondence
- On dark matter etc .
is based on a mail to Sabine Hossenfelder at FIAS and to Robert Gast,
editor of Spektrum Kompakt 04.21. under the too prestigious title
'Weltbild im Wandel', an incoherent re-collection of incoherent papers
published earlier in Spektrum.
Last corrections and updates: 2021.02.25
The following exercise is concerned with proofs of consistency
of ideal models and
- The 'obsolete' concept of truth .
Last corrections and updates: 2021.02.15
My work on 'ideal models of real systems' has been disrupted
once and again by more urgent responses concerning the theories
of ship powering trials and monitoring and of cosmology.
The latest of such disruptions is the following letter concerning
- Hegels_Theorien_etc.
But as a matter of fact, all the disruptions turned out to contribute
to the clarification of my thoughts.
Last corrections and updates: 2020.03.17
The short question: Why do ideal laws apply in the real world?
is still keeping philosophers, scientists and engineers wondering,
although the answer is known since more than 2000 years ago,
when Socrates, in Plato's 'Politeia', told his parable of the
prisoners in the cavern and since Kant's Copernican turn, since
he realised, what humans can possibly know about
das Ding an sich.
During work on a paper concerning the answer to that question
a number of details required special attention and elaborations,
in more detail than could be accomodated in appendices.
And diving deeper and deeper into the pertinent literature I
disrupted that project, realising that it was far too ambitious.
But of general interest may be the
- Draft summary and conclusions
of my endeavour so far, a first presentation
- Ueber verwandte Vorurteile,
to be further elaborated on in English, and and the following
note on 'constitutive laws', in view of the fact that the pragmatism
described is underlying my rational theory of propulsion and its
applications, e. g. the rational analyis of traditional ship powering
Last corrections and updates: 2019.08.25
Among the problems mentioned
- Memory effects in continua
have been described in terms of state space models.
Last corrections and updates: 2019.08.14
On 'magnitudes', alias 'quantities'
DIN 1313: 'Groessen': Request for a new edition repeated
Delayed for another three years I have received
The final rejection
of my detailed proposal for an urgently necessary new edition
of standard DIN 1313 concerning magnitudes.
Last update: 2023.09.06
The current edition of the standard DIN 1313: 1998-12 'Grössen'
is from its conception not in accordance with the state of scientific
and technical practice as elaborated in detail in the following paper
- On_'magnitudes', the category of 'quantitative concepts' ,
based on my very diverse personal experience and its reflection.
'Consequently' I am again promoting a new edition in urgent demand.
My repeated request for a new edition links up with my proposal
of 2011 and the related intense correspondence documented in detail
under the title 'On concepts, magnitudes and quantities' in section
'News on general subjects' of my website.
Last update: 2020.12.30
"It's never too late to give up your prejudices."
Mia Mottelson: Comic in the Series 'Picture Politics'.
das goethe magazin (2017) 1, 32.
This section is dedicated to further developments of the rational theory
of ship powering trials and monitoring and its applications on model
and on full scale in particular. Any substantial contributions to the
discussion and development is welcome and will be published here.
My re-evaluation of the REGAL trial of 2015
While I am still wating for the raw data of the REGAL trial
to complete the evaluation, I obtained the permission to publish
my evaluation of the
- BAYREUTH trials
of 2003 and continue the evaluation of the extensive data set,
including the raw data!
Last update and additions: 2020.03.17
Preparing for the analysis of the raw data the
- REGAL trial rationally re-analysed,
has further been scrutinized, minor mistakes have been corrected
and the notation has rigorously been cleared up.
Originally conceived as contribution to MARIN's JIP JoRes, the
analysis once again demonstrates, that the inherent deficiencies
of the 'legalised' STAimo procedure can be avoided using the
transparent rational evaluation.
Last update and additions: 2020.03.10
Concerning a discussion at SVA Potsdam
The following paper is an extended mail concerning
- Evident principles
of quasi-steady ship powering trials and monitoring
subject of related papers deliverd at SVA Potsdam
on January 30, 2020.
Last update and additions: 2020.03.03
The following open letter is a collection of earlier contributions
- Beitraege zur Diskussion
to the discussion at SVA Potsdam.
And the following
- Zip file
proviides ready access to the files of the conclusive evaluation
of my 'model' trial referred to.
Last update and additions: 2020.02.18
Report on the following two entries
Work on my two recent exercises on trials, documented in the
following two sections, has triggered my
- Correspondence on the REGAL trial
with Dr. Klaus Wagner and my draft
- Report on recent work on trials
to the forthcoming Meeting of the STG Committee on 'Ship
Hydrodynamcs', at VWS in Berlin on November 08.
As most of my work on trials has been written in English,
the report has been written in English as well.
Last update and additions: 2019.08.25
Preparing for the analysis of the raw data the rational analysis
of the REGAL trial has been scrutinized and minor mistakes
and the notation have been cleared up.
Last update and additions: 2020.03.10
The purpose of the exercise performed, the
- REGAL_trial rationally re-analysed,
originally conceived as contribution to MARIN's JIP JoRes, is to
demonstrate once again, that the inherent deficiencies of the
standardised STAimo procedure can be avoided by the transparent
rational evaluation.
That method, repeatedly applied in very delicate cases, is solely based
on only four simple conventions, constituting an acceptable, highly
aggregate model, sufficient to analyse the performance in the limited
range of hull advance ratios covered by the few, 'hopefully' steady
states during the trial under scrutiny.
The few parameters of the model conceived can reliably be identified
from the data acquired during the trial, without reference to doubtful
prior data of any kind. In response to misconceptions met in discussions
it is explicitly noted, that the problem solved is a conceptual problem,
the subsequent identification of parameters is a necessary, in the
present case rather trivial step.
In the meantime I have been informed, that as a private person I cannot
take part in the project with the non-sensical title 'Joint Research',
claimed to provide a broad forum for the validation of ship powering
Last update and additions: 2019.08.14
The 'conclusive' evaluation of my 'model' trial of 1986
After all the worksheets mod_6_prop_rev6 and mod_9_trial_rev6,
concerning the identification of the partial efficiencies without
reference to the thrust values measured on model scale, have
reached their state of maturity, final corrections and additions
having been triggered by questions of Dr. Klaus Wagner.
Related mails have been up-dated accordingly.
The complete worksheets of my sixth revision in PTC Mathcad 15.0
together with some explanatory notes are to found in one of the
following sections.
Last updates and additions: 2019.01.29
My long delayed
- Explanatory remarks
in response to Dr. Wagner's concerns are not a reply proper.
According to my latest insights most of the problems addressed
do no longer exist.
Based on the first draft of my 'Explanatory remarks'
Dr. Wagner sent me his
- Repeated concerns,
which triggered my following
- Instant response.
Further continued concerns resulted in continued explanations
dealing in detail with ships at sea and further with the concept of wake,
- Resonse continued,
For my German speaking colleagues I already publish my
- 'Daily mails',
most of them to Dr. Wagner, documenting the final
stages of my 'meandering' towards the 'conclusive'
In addition I separately publish correspondence related
to a proposed quasi-steady
- Ship trial,
necessary to demonstrate full scale applicability of the
procedures developed.
Last additions and corrections: 2019.01.30
Having finally sorted out basic conceptual and numerical mistakes
I have 'conclusively' analysed the data of my quasi-steady 'model'
powering test in terms of a 'model test' and a of simulated 'ship trial'
and accordingly up-dated the former published defective worksheets.
The evaluation of the quasi-steady 'model' powering test of only
two minutes duration in terms of a 'model test' shows, that no
references to bare hull towing and propeller open water tests are
necessary, thus drastically reducing the costs of model tesing.
The evaluation in terms of a 'ship trial', i. e. without reference
to thrust data, not available on full scale, requires an additional
convention. Missing data cannot be sucked from the thumb!
Paradigmatically reference to the propeller open water jet efficiency
has been shown to serve the purpose. The necesssary data do not
need to be obtained by model propeller open water tests, but may
be obtained by CFD methods, preferably at ship scale.
But it took further in-depth thinking to notice, that the unsatisfactory
reference to open water data is not necessary. The data acquired permit
to identify the propeller jet efficiency as demonstrated in the files
mod_6_ prop and mod_9_trial up-dated accordingly.
The complete worksheets of my sixth revision in PTC Mathcad 15.0
may readily be accessed via the link
- Further promoting quasi-steady ship powering tests.
Last additions and corrections: 2018.11.01
Further corrections and clarifications of revison 6
While writing my resonse to Dr. Wagner and talking to him in person
on occasion of his stop-over in Berlin on Sept. 20 I realised further
conceptual vagueness concerning the implications of Froude's
procedure and the hydraulic losses and my correspondig definition
of the wake concept.
Last additions and corrections: 2018.10.03
At this stage I repeat my earlier offer to evaluate data acquired
during quasi-steady propulsion tests on model and/or full scale
not limited to the
- Colleagues addressed.
And I add a vote of
- Thanks to Daniel Wiens,
who as a student of numerical mathematics worked at Voith Marine
on my approach. He noticed, that my early naive attempts, to come
up with a definite solution of my crudely defined, 'highly' non-linear
problem, were doomed to fail in the presence of infinitely many
Only after solving remaining conceptual problems I succeeded to
arrive at the intellectually and numerically satisfactory solution
of my 'still' non-linear problem, now published and replacing all
earlier heuristical 'solutions', though acceptable, but suffering
from defective arguments and procedures in various ways.
Last additions and corrections: 2018.08.26
In response to my revision 6 I have received the following detailed
remarks, questions and proposals by Dr. Wagner,
- Bemerkungen, Fragen und Vorschl�ge.
My answer, originally intended just to summarise the related e-mails
we had exchanged before, resulted in further considerable corrections
and clarifications of the fundamentals. Re-publication of those files
and of my answer to Dr. Wagner have been pending for some time.
But in the meantime the following worksheets
- Numerical routines developed
- Partial efficiencies identified: model test
- Traditional vs. rational results: model test
- Partial efficiencies identified: 'ship' trial
have rigorously been revised and reached a state of maturity. Mistakes,
more or less serious, are taken care of as soon as detected. Hence do not
rely on outdated copies of the worksheets!
Last updates and additions: 2018.08.07 and later
Detailed explanatory notes on the insights gained so far will be published
as soon as possible.
The complete worksheets of my sixth revision in PTC Mathcad 15.0
together with some explanatory notes are to found in the following
section and may be accessed via the link
- Further promoting quasi-steady ship powering tests.
The title of the section, 'Very happy end of a very long story', has
evidently been chosen prematurely. There may be no end to that story,
as my work ongoing shows.
Last updates and additions: 2018.07.28
'Concerning' ship powering trials and monitoring
The following
- Notes on a webinar
concerning ship powering trials and monitoring have been triggered
by a request for comments.
Last updates and additions: 2018.05.27
On 'Star-Contra' configurations etc
The following mail is a contribution to a presentation of Dr.-Ing.
Karsten Hochkirch of DNV-GL Advisory concerning renewed
interest in
- 'Star-Contra' configurations.
Last updates and additions: 2018.07.18
Title page added to my 'final' revision 6
In the meantime
- A title page
has been added to the nine Mathcad files of the final revision of
my model test and trial, 60 pages in total, with a dedication to
"Dr.-Ing. habil. Klaus Wagner with many thanks for his continuous
interest in my unending project and his untiring, meticulous scrutiny
of my reasoning."
Last updates and additions: 2018.05.10
For ready reference the second edition of
- my opus magnum
is now available as pdf/A file, though without live table of contents.
Thus the offer of the publisher 'Books on Demand' to borrow the e-books
for a limited time as usual in libraries is no longer of interest.
But on request the three volumes are (still) printed at 'Books on Demand',
but there will be no third edition in print, if any.
Instead of 'hiding' related results of my recent research I presently
prefer short memoranda, published in the 'News flash'.
Details concerning my opus, a reconstruction of classical mechanics
in the spirit of Goethe, as well as extended quotations and related
discussions, have ben published earlier in the Sections on 'Mechanics
in general', the
- 'News' in particular.
Last update: 2017.05.21
On peer reviews
To follow the vote
- For open peer reviews
would certainly stop the current unqualified, often misleading,
even destructive mis-use of the label 'peer reviewed'.
Last corrections: 2021.08.24
Based on my long experience the following letter to Rebecca Sear
- On peer reviews
points out fundamental deficiencies of peer reviews.
Last corrections: 2019.09.21
On Julian Jaynes' theory
On re-reading ‘Language and Consciousness‘ by John Limber in the ‘Reflections
on the Dawn of Consciousness‘, a collection of papers concerning
- Julian Jaynes' becameral mind theory
remarks on Ludwig Wittgenstein's tractatus and 'Philosophische Untersuchungen'
came to my mind and resulted in the letter to my schoolmate.
Last corrections: 2021.05.05
On Whitehead's Symbolism
My exercise of 2016 is an efficient 'engineering' reconstruction
of Alfred North Whitehead's
- Symbolism, its meaning and effect
in terms of the state space model.
Last corrections: 2019.01.25
A note on collections of stratagems
My talk to students on December 9, 2016, has been referring to tales,
fables and parabels. But only a few days later I became aware of
the famous and earlier very widely distributed collection
- Kalila and Dimna.
Last corrections: 2017.02.12
The following 'short' document
- Erinnerungen und Erfahrungen
is the complete text of an invited talk delivered at the annual
Advent party of students of naval architecture at the Institut f�r
Schiffs- und Meerestechnik (ISM) of the Technical University Berlin.
It contains 'only' some, very personal memories and experiences
of the author during the past eighty years, not even referring to
the twenty years of his working and travelling for the ITTC.
Last corrections: 2016.12.21
In an article on sceptical thinking (!) Hartmut Wewetzer, the editor in charge
of 'Wissen' at 'Tagesspiegel', the Berlin Daily Mirror, has ritually repeated
another foolish prejudice, which has triggered my following letter to the editor
on Aristotle's observation (!) of
- Falling bodies.
Shortly after that I 'had' to write another 'sceptical' letter to the editor on
the 'nature' of
- 'Alternative' facts .
The following
- post-scriptum 1
- post scriptum 2
are closely related contributions.
Last update and additions: 2017.05.14
After our return from a round trip through mountain ranges and deserts of Iran,
visiting sites of the Persian World Cultural Heritage, I have elaborated on
- Toerichte Vorurteile',
in letters on Goethe's 'Farbenlehre' to Hartmut Wewetzer, the editor in charge of 'Wissen'
at 'Tagesspiegel', the Berlin Daily Mirror, and further to Prof. Olaf Mueller, the author
of 'Mehr Licht!', recently published by S.Fischer in the Series 'Wissenschaft'.
Last update and additions: 2015.05.21