Michael Schmiechen, Berlin

Bibliography on ducted propulsors

Last update: 2016.08.03

Survey papers

Schmiechen, M.: 50 Years Rational Theory of Propulsion. Recent Results and Perspectives. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Marine Propulsors smp 2009, Trondheim, Norway, June 22-24, 2009. Proceedings 1st SMP (2009) 117-128. See also Paper and Presentation.

Schmiechen, M.: Propulsor Hydrodynamics. Theme lecture. Presented at the International Conference on Marine Hydrodynamics, MAHY 2006, held January 05 to 07 at the Naval Science and Technological Laboratory at Visakhapatnam, India. Proc. Int'l Conference in Marine Hydrodynamics 2006, Vol.2, 611-631. See also Paper, Handout and Presentation.

Schmiechen, M.: 25 Jahre Rationale Theorie der Propulsion. Fritz Horn zum 125. Geburtstag. Prepared for the STG Summer Meeting at Magdeburg 17.-19.05.2005, which had to be cancelled. The paper has been presented at the 100th STG Annual Meeting at Berlin, held November 16 to 18, 2005. With many references to files containing detailed derivations of results. Jahrbuch STG (2005), to be published. See also Paper and Presentation. Closely related is the following theme lecture.

Schmiechen, M.: Beitraege der VWS zur Erforschung der Propulsion und Bewegungen von Schiffen. STG-Nr. 3010, VWS Mitteilungen Heft 60, post mortem, Berlin 2003, pp. 139-202. See also Paper, Slides and Complete Presentation.

Original papers and reports and some discussions

Schmiechen, M.: Ducted Propulsors in Open Water. Performance assessed by simple basic principles. Paper to be presented at the Second International Symposium on Marine Propulsors smp '11 to be held at Hamburg, Germany, June 15-17, 2011. Proceedings 2nd SMP (2011), to be published.

See also Paper and Presentation, as well as the corresponding paradigmatic Numerical analysis of the deeply submerged waterjet, subject of the above contribution to the discussion of a paper by Dirk Juergens and Hans-Juergen Heinke. Rigorously revised update of the Theoretical analysis underlying the above numerical analysis, originally prepared for publication in HANSA 146 (2009) in February.

Until acceptance March 7, 2011 the above Paper is to be considered as draft, open for discussion, of course even after that date, while the above Presentation will not be available before the Symposium. Contributions to the discussion are invited and very welcome. As oral and written discussions of papers presented at SMP '11 are not documented elsewhere, they will be duly acknowledged and published on the website of the author.

Schmiechen, M.: Contribution to the discussion of a paper by Max Steden at alii. STG 101 (2007) 354-364. Final version. See Discussion , also included in the proceedings.

Schmiechen, M.: Contribution to the discussion of a paper by Dirk Juergens and Hans-Juergen Heinke. STG 100 (2006) 277-286. Final version: 18.04.2007. Originally prepared for publication in HANSA 146 (2009) in March. See Discussion , not included in the proceedings.

Jordan K. und M. Schmiechen: Propulsionsversuche mit der SES CORSAIR und ihrem Modell. Mass-Stabseffekte bei Luftkissenfahrzeugen. (Propulsion tests with SES CORSAIR and her model. Scale effects at surface effect ships.) STG Sommertagung Berlin 28.-31.05.1996. Trans. STG 90 (1996)143/154. See Paper and Presentation.

Jordan K. and M. Schmiechen: Torque and Thrust Measurements on Board the CORSAIR/ MEKAT. Proceedings FAST '95, 3rd International Conference on Fast Sea Transportation, Travemuende, 1995. Proc. FAST '95(1995) Vol. 2, 953/964. See Paper and Presentation.

Schmiechen, M.: Design and Evaluation of Ducted Propellers as Pumps. Centenary of the Krylov Ship Research Institute, St. Petersburg,1994. See Paper and Presentation, see also the later, upgraded Presentation at Shanghai.

Schmiechen, M.: Entwurf und Bewertung von Duesenpropellern als Pumpen. STG-Sprechtag 'Hydromechanik schneller Schiffe und ummantelter Propeller', VWS Berlin und SVA Potsdam, 03. und 04. September 1993; VWS-Bericht Nr. 1229/93. See Paper and Presentation.

Schmiechen, M.: Entwurf und Bewertung von Duesenpropellern als Pumpen. VWS-Bericht Nr. 1229/93.

Schmiechen, M., A. Voss und H. Engler: Entwurf und Bewertung von Duesenpropellern mit Leitapparaten. VWS-Bericht Nr. 1209/92; FDS-Bericht Nr. 245/1993. See Design procedure enriched by plots of results.

Schmiechen, M.: Numerische Ueberpruefung der Bewertung des von Herrn Masilge untersuchten Strahlantriebs. Juni 1991. Unveroeffentlicht.

Schmiechen, M. u. V. Goetz: Propeller in Duesen und Tunneln. VWS-Bericht Nr. 1144/89; BMFT-Bericht.

Schmiechen, M. and Zhou, Lian-di: An Advanced Method for Design of Optimal Ducted Propellers behind Bodies of Revolution. Proc. SNAME Spring Meeting (1988) 29/39. 13th STAR Symp. and 3rd. IMSD Conf. (Pittsburgh, June 8-10, 1988).

Schmiechen, M. and Zhou, Lian-di: An Advanced Method for the Design of Optimal Ducted Propellers behind Bodies of Revolution. VWS-Report No. 1083/1987; Final report on a Partnership in Engineering Sciences Sponsored by Stiftung Volkswagenwerk.

Schmiechen, M.: On Optimal Ducted Propellers for Bodies of Revolution - A Speculative Reconstruction. Proc. Internat. Symp. on Ship Hydrodynamics and Energy Saving, (El Pardo, 1983) Nr. VI, 2, S. 1/7.

Schmiechen, M.: Rationale Modelle idealer Propeller endlicher Belastung. Schiffstechnik 25 (1978) Nr. 121, S. 113/120. Diskussion von J. A. Sparenberg: s. Schiffstechnik 26 (1979) Nr. 2, S. 117/121.

Schmiechen, M.: Ueber die Bewertung hydromechanischer Propulsionssysteme. Schiffstechnik 17 (1970) Nr. 89, 91 /94.

Schmiechen, M.: Untersuchung duesenartiger Leitvorrichtungen fuer Schiffsschrauben. VWS-Bericht Nr. 246/63.

Schmiechen, M.: Modellversuche mit Kort-Duesen fuer Seeschiffe. Abschluss-Bericht zum ERP-Vorhaben S 1100. 1961.
TUB/Archive: The report that vanished in the basement, the results not conforming to (still) prevailing prejudices.